Bachelor of Rehabilitation Techniques training program

Program Title: Bachelor of Rehabilitation Techniques

Qualifications: University

Training: Rehabilitation Techniques

Code: 7720603

1. Program outcomes

1.1. General outcome

Bachelor of Rehabilitation Techniques has basic scientific knowledge, basic medicine, specialized knowledge and proficient practical skills; is capable of working independently and creatively to solve health problems in rehabilitation, disability prevention and, health education; has professional ethics qualities, high sense of responsibility, professional cooperation with colleagues; is capable of self-study and scientific research to meet the needs of human resources in healthcare system.

1.2. Specific outcomes

1.2.1. Knowledge

PO1: Having basic scientific knowledge, basic medicine, foundational policies and legal documents of the rehabilitation specialization.

PO2: Having basic and specialized knowledge to set treatment goals, make decisions, intervene and give primary care effectively.

1.2.2. Skills

PO3: Having skills in collecting information, analyzing, assessing, planning interventions and implementing rehabilitation techniques for patients at the hospital and in the community

PO4: Having skills in organizing, implementing, and supervising rehabilitation activities in the rehabilitation units and collaborating with stakeholders in community-based rehabilitation.

PO5: Having skills in counseling, communication, and health education in disability prevention for patients, disabled people, and citizens.

PO6: Having soft skills, self-study skills, foreign language skills, and technology skills to meet the need of the workplace and the development of scientific technology. Assessing

1.2.3. Autonomy and responsibility

Obeying the law, professional ethics, and having the capacity of Autonomy and responsibility in caring out professional works in the education and technology field.

1.3. Post-graduation job placements

After graduating with a bachelor's in rehabilitation techniques, students are able to work at the following agencies/units:

Teaching at health sector institutions.

Rehabilitation care and treatment for patients in public, out-of-public health facilities; disability care facilities, the elderly, and nursing centers.

Researchers at research centers.

Professional consultants for companies trading in rehabilitation tools and equipment.

2. Standard output

2.1. Knowledge

Standard 1. Using basic scientific knowledge, basic medicine, legal policies and management as the foundation for the specialized practice of rehabilitation

1.1. General explanation of the structure, functions and processes of human development in a normal and path.

1.2. Explain the pathogenicity of diseases in the speciality of rehabilitation.

1.3. Analysis of risk factors affecting the rehabilitation process.

1.4. Description of the health system, policies and legal documents on rehabilitation.

Standard 2. Applying industry and specialized base knowledge to explain the principles of rehabilitation techniques and setting goals, making intervention decisions


2.1. Using industry-based knowledge: motion science, neuron science,  to explain the mechanism of rehabilitation techniques.

2.2. Using specialized knowledge as a basis for price planning, setting objectives and intervention programs suitable for each clinical patient.

2.3. Using knowledge about principles, rules, procedures for operation and preservation of rehabilitation equipment as a basis for the operation of equipment to ensure safety and efficiency.

2.2. Skills

Professional skills

Standard 3. Price, intervention planning and implementation of rehabilitation techniques for patients at the hospital based on scientific evidence

3.1. Collect information, prices and analyze health problems to determine the rehabilitation needs of patients at the hospital.

3.2. Make appropriate rehabilitation intervention plans for patients.

3.3. Perform rehabilitation techniques in a proficient, systemic and safe way.

3.4. Monitoring and evaluation during and after the intervention to adjust rehabilitation techniques suitable to patients.

Standard 4. Participate in organizing, implementing and supervising activities in the department/rehabilitation department

4.1. To manage, use and preserve medical equipment and dossiers within the assigned scope, detect and promptly report when incidents arise. Take personal responsibility for the assigned means and assets.

4.2. To manage, monitor and make statistics on professional activities according to the prescribed form. Preservation and storage of documents in the assigned field.

4.3. Analyzing, examining and supervising technical processes; proposing solutions to ensure technical quality and safety in expertise.

Standard 5. Engage and collaborate with stakeholders in a community-based rehabilitation program

5.1. Develop and guide training for people with disabilities at home and community.

5.2. Design and guide people with disabilities, families and communities to use a number of simple assistive devices to assist in treatment.

5.3. Periodically examine and assess the progress of persons with disabilities and transfer rehabilitation techniques to trainers.

5.4. Coordinate with professional staff in the recovery group to help people with disabilities to be as independent as they can in their daily activities and gradually integrate into the community.

Standard 6. Disability prevention communication, health education for patients, people with disabilities and communities

6.1. Collecting and analyzing information on community/patient needs and understanding on disability prevention and rehabilitation.

6.2. Identify the needs and contents of communication on disability prevention and rehabilitation for individuals, families and communities.

6.3. Develop communication plans on disability prevention and rehabilitation suitable to individuals, families and communities.

6.4. To provide appropriate counseling and communication to individuals, families and communities for effective prevention of disability and rehabilitation.

Soft skills

Standard 7. Self-study, self-study to improve personal capacity to adapt to the actual requirements of work as well as the development of science and technology

7.1. Identify career development goals and aspirations based on their learning needs, strengths and weaknesses to create motivation and work planning.

7.2. Regularly study, research, update and use valuable and reliable domestic and international information in the field of rehabilitation to meet the actual requirements of the work.

7.3. Show a positive attitude to innovations and mixed views, and express listening to recommendations and proposals in order to adapt to changes.

7.4. Ability to work independently and teamwork in work.

7.5. Having skills in composing, teaching and guiding specialized professional and technical skills, contributing to the training of advanced qualifications and professional development for colleagues and students.

Standard 8. Have an itinerary and English level (minimum level B or B1 Europe or equivalent) to perform the work of a rehabilitation technician

8.1. Proficient use of computers, processing documents, spreadsheets, slideshows, basic internet and application of information technology in work handling.

8.2. Proficiency in English (minimum level B or B1 in Europe or equivalent) to perform the work of rehabilitation technicians.

8.3. Use basic specialized English in the work of rehabilitation technicians as well as read references in English for advanced learning.

2.3. Autonomy and accountability

Standard 9. Compliance with law-based practice and state policies in rehabilitation

9.1. Apply knowledge about the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, the revolutionary line of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh ideology into the practice process.

9.2. Adhere to the principles of professional ethics.

9.3. Comply with regulations and technical procedures.

Standard 10. Ability to make conclusions, evaluate and improve on professional activities, common operations and some complex issues

10.3. Capable of making conclusions on common professional issues and some technically complex issues.

10.2. Having the capacity to evaluate and take initiatives to improve professional activities in their assigned fields.

Standard 11. Respect and listen to the opinions of patients and communities about rehabilitation needs

11.1. Learn and listen to the rehabilitation needs of the patient/community.

11.2. Building trust in the patient/community.

11.3. Appropriate communication with patients/communities.

Standard 12. Listen, support, encourage, and support colleagues and stakeholders in performing tasks

12.1. Listen to the opinions of colleagues and stakeholders in performing their tasks.

12.2. Building trust, supporting and sharing with colleagues and stakeholders in performing tasks.

3. Full-course knowledge volume

- Minimum knowledge volume: 138 credits, not to mention physical education and Defense – Security education (131 compulsory credits and 7 optional credits)

4. Enrollment

- Subjects of admission:

+ Formality: according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training

5. How to organize

The program is structured appropriately and flexibly including 138 credits, including 131 compulsory credits and 7 optional credits. Students can choose their own learning sections according to their abilities and principles to equip them with the necessary, appropriate knowledge to meet the needs of the labor market. After accumulating 138 credits, students take skilled exams, theoretical and practical exams or do the theory course.

The program is designed to include theoretical, practical and practical lessons at field facilities, finishing exams; graduation and graduation exams or graduation thes:

+ Theory: studying at the lecture hall of House C – University of Public Health.

+ Practice: at the practice rooms, labo at home B – University of Public Health.

+ Clinical practice: at the Clinic of PhCN – University of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences of Grade II hospitals or hospitals are allowed to perform techniques on the list of techniques from Line II and above, such as Bac Thang Long Hospital, Duc Giang General Hospital, Ha Dong General Hospital , Hoai Duc District General Hospital...

+ Professional practice: at the Department of Science and Technology of grade I hospitals or higher, such as Bach Mai hospital, Viet Duc hospital, Children's hospital, E hospital..

6. Training process, graduation conditions

Training and graduation consideration shall be conducted under Decision No. 17/VBHN-BGDDT of May 15, 2014, on the decision on promulgation of regulations on formal university and college training under the credit system of the Ministry of Education and Training, and the University of Public Health.

7. How to evaluate

Assessed on a scale of 10, a scale of 4 and a letter scale in accordance with current regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and regulations on formal university training of the University of Public Health.

8. Content of the program 


Volume of learning

Number of Credits


Minimum general education knowledge (not to mention the content of Physical Education and Defense – Security Education)



Minimum professional education knowledge, in which:


Sectoral base knowledge


Industry base knowledge


Industry knowledge


Complementary Knowledge (Optional) – each student chooses a minimum of 7 credits                                                                                               


